Maximum protection with a minimum amount of cost

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Security Deposit Management Foundation

As a trusted third party, we are an independent foundation that specializes in the administration and management of third party assets for clients. We aspire to provide our clients with the highest service level possible in order to be a valued partner for our clients as trusted third party for management of third party assets.

The foundation manages security deposits and other assets according to the agreement that is closed between two parties. It reports the status of the security deposit and assets to the con­tracting parties involved on a regular basis.

The foundation has four primary tasks:

  • Administering deposit transactions on trusted accounts
  • Secure third party assets
  • Carrying out (payment) transactions according to agreements between two parties
  • Status reporting to contract parties involved

Our main goal is to provide a highly professional service for our clients using state of the art administration, monitoring and reporting systems in order to provide full transparency for parties involved in a transaction.